PA School District Reopening Dashboard

On August 10, the PA Department of Education released data-based recommendations regarding the reopening of schools.  I coupled this guidance with the data released by the PA Department of Health to create a heatmap showing the status and recommended instruction model for each county.  The recommended instruction model is based on the level of transmission in each county, as outlined in the chart below:

PA Department of Education Recommended Instruction Models based on Community Transmission
PA Department of Education Instruction Model Guidance
  • Full In-person Model: School is open each day with in-person instruction for all students (with some students/staff in a remote setting as health and safety concerns require).
  • Full Remote Learning Model: Any model in which all students engage in all learning remotely.

Although the state guidance is meant to be used at the county level, I thought a breakdown by school district could potentially help parents and educators determine the level of transmission in their local areas.  So I created the PA School District Reopening Dashboard, found below.

I will be updating this regularly so we can all monitor the amount of spread in our communities as our children go back to school.

If you find this tool helpful, please share!

Thanks and stay well ~


PA School District Reopening Dashboard

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Thanks for visiting!  If you found this information helpful or interesting, please share!

As always, stay well~

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If you liked my PA School District Reopening Dashboard

Check out my Trackers and Stats!

The PA Data Visualizations provides charts, maps and graphs showing COVID-19 stats as reported by the PA Department of Health.  Key metrics include trending information, hospitalizations by county, testing and case count by zip code.

The At-a-Glance State Tracker will give you a quick idea of what’s going on in each state in the US with a quick one-page dashboard showing key metrics and trends for:

        • Testing;
        • Cases;
        • Hospitalizations; and
        • Deaths

The MLM US COVID Tracker uses data collected from Johns Hopkins University to provide a more in-depth look at cases and death statistics.  Here you’ll find heatmaps and trends of case data broken out by state and county across the US. 

For more coronavirus information, check out these resources:

Main Line Mama